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Teen receives 45-year sentence for killing Athens woman

Daviae Massir Oliver

By Joe Johnson

An Athens teen has been sentenced in connection with the shooting death of a woman last year at Rolling Ridge Apartments.

As part of a plea bargain with prosecutors, 19-year-old Daviae Massir Oliver pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter for fatally shooting Ndya Hill in October 2022. He also pleaded guilty to aggravated assault for injuring 17-year-old Tyrickus Smith during the same incident.

Ndya Hill

In exchange for the guilty pleas a charge of murder was dismissed, according a memorandum of plea agreement that was filed Wednesday in Clarke County Superior Court.

In accordance with the plea bargain, Oliver was sentenced to 35 years in prison and 10 years on probation.

Oliver's criminal prosecution arose from an incident at Rolling Ridge in which Oliver reportedly shot at the two victims because he was upset with 20-year-old Hill over some derogatory things she had said.

An argument involving Oliver and the victims concerning Hill's comments escalated into gunfire, according to police.

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2 則留言

Izzy Mendalbaum
Izzy Mendalbaum

I hate these stories. Smug young wannabe gangsta shoots apparently innocent woman for no good reason. I feel I'm sharing the planet with another species of bipeds who just don't give a shit about their life, your life or mine. And yet these beasts are free to drive cars on my street and eat where I eat. No matter how 'woke' we pretend to be, we will not address the tiger in the room.


Aunty Lib.

Just the next stage of his taxpayer funded existance.

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