Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows when mourning their cats
How many people inhabited Earth in the year 1?
New Year’s traditions from around the world
Fun facts about the New Year’s Eve ball drop
Some of the silliest words in the English language
So what the heck does “Auld Lang Syne” mean?
Did victory gardens really work during WWII?
Where does Wild Goose Chase come from?
When Truman was forced to vacate the White House
Some interesting things about Kwanzaa
Why today is called Boxing Day
Some interesting things about Santa Claus
Why the Swedes watch Donald Duck on Christmas Eve
Slang reveals where you’re from
Why do we say Bah humbug?
Hark: ‘tis the season to decode Christmas carol lyrics
Typo on the Liberty Bell
Ways that fruits and vegetables have evolved over time
Why they are called Ivy League schools
Fun facts about “It’s a Wonderful Life”