The Statue of Liberty once served another purpose
Alfred Hitchcock’s rare phobia
Some things about the favorite flavor of Autumn
Some sounds you just don’t hear much anymore
Why are goldfish crackers shaped like fish?
Interesting things about the Queen of all Media
Beer makes humans more attractive to mosquitoes
Taste buds are replaced every two weeks
A few tips on restaurant etiquette
Stuff about the color orange
Some common weather myths
Mermaids, Centaurs, and More: Mythological Creatures 101
What is a love apple?
Some things you might not have known about Stonehenge
Things about the space race that you probably forgot
Smell is the sense most closely linked with memory
Some things about Mars
The surprising material used to build the Great Wall of China
The president who had his own jellybean
Sneaky ways that casinos get you to keep gambling