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Choosing aged competence over lying criminality

By Peggy Perkins

Joe Biden had a terrible debate night.  His voice was hoarse and weak.  Many of his answers were halting, garbled, incomplete, hard to follow.  He may have been suffering from a cold, but it reinforced the worries that many have about his age and ability to handle the job.  

Meanwhile, the shameless, pathological lying of Donald Trump was on full display in virtually every sentence he uttered over 90 minutes.  Biden nor Democrats support abortions at nine months.  America wasn’t admired around the world when Trump was president.  On display was Trump’s utter lack of vision, his ridiculous insistence that he was the best president in history, his refusal to directly answer the questions, and his repugnant hostility toward America.

Whether undecided voters who watched the debate were more alarmed by Biden or more repulsed by Trump, it’s too early to say.  Between court proceedings and Trump’s daily need to stoke chaos and fear, undecided voters will have plenty more reasons to turn away from this convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and shameless liar.

As for me, I voting for the old guy whose fiscal policy has created an economy that is the envy of the world.  Whose foreign policy promotes democracy, damages our enemies, and strengthens our allies around the world.  Whose domestic policy actively supports women’s rights and will restore the rights women had under Roe.  I’m voting for the old guy who never attempted to overthrow an American election and whose debate performance wasn’t very good.

Peggy Perkins is a resident Winder

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