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Disturbing omissions of the inaugural address

Writer's picture: Classic City NewsClassic City News

By Peggy Perkins

I didn’t vote for Trump.  However, I listened to Trump’s inauguration speech because I wanted to see what he would say about significant issues facing working families. I’ve also observed his actions thus far.

Our healthcare system is broken and wildly expensive.  Not one word from Trump nor action taken to address this crisis.  We pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and one out of four Americans is unable to afford the prescriptions that their doctors prescribe.  Nothing from Donald Trump or Rep. Mike Collins on the high cost of medications.

We have a major housing crisis in America. We all know it, yet in his inaugural address, not one word was devoted to it.  Nor has he signed an executive order empowering Elon Musk to address this issue facing families.  Rep. Mike Collins remains ignorant of the housing crisis.

During his speech, Trump didn’t have one word to say about how we are going to address the crisis of climate change.  Extreme weather disturbances and natural disasters are taking place all across the U.S.  With his and Collins’ climate change is a hoax mindset, Georgians can expect weather disturbances and disasters to increase in destruction and cost. 

Since his inaugural speech, I have heard nothing from Trump, Musk or Rep. Collins addressing healthcare, housing or climate change.  Issues that affect working families. Instead, they’re more concerned about agency’s DEI programs.  Well folks, removing what’s offensive to the eye doesn’t do anything about what you face every day.

Peggy Perkins resides Winder

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