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Honey never expires

Writer: Classic City NewsClassic City News

is often credited as a multiuse wonder, known to soothe sore throats, heal burns, and add a little sweetness to drinks and desserts. But if a bottle in the back of your pantry has been collecting dust, you might be wondering if it’s safe to eat. Don’t worry: As long as it’s stored properly, honey will never expire. Honey has an endless shelf life, as proven by the archaeologists who unsealed King Tut’s tomb in 1923 and found containers of honey within it. After performing a not-so-scientific taste test, researchers reported the 3,000-year-oldhoney still tasted sweet.

Honey’s preservative properties have a lot to do with how little water it contains. Some 80% of honey is made up of sugar, with only 18% being water. Having so little moisture makes it difficult for bacteria and microorganisms to survive. Honey is also so thick, little oxygen can penetrate — another barrier to bacteria’s growth. Plus, the substance is extremely acidic, thanks to a special enzyme in bee stomachs called glucose oxidase. When mixed with nectar to make honey, the enzyme produces gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide, byproducts that lower the sweetener’s pH level and kill off bacteria. 

Despite these built-in natural preservatives, it is possible for honey to spoil if it’s improperly stored. In a sealed container, honey is safe from humidity, but when left open it can absorb moisture that makes it possible for bacteria to survive. In most cases, honey can be safely stored for years on end, though the USDA suggests consuming it within 12 months for the best flavor.

The science behind why it doesn’t expire

Buying in bulk at Sam's Club is a great idea, until your dad brings home two 40-oz. bottles of honey...not that I'm speaking from experience here. Considering I only use a tablespoon per day for my cup of green tea, this honey will definitely be sticking around for a while. So I was faced with the question: does honey expire?

Although the bottle says it will expire in a year and a half, eating food past the expiration date is often perfectly safe. I decided to do my own research on the subject in case my father keeps bringing home the sweet stuff faster than I can eat it. 

The Verdict

If stored properly (in a sealed contained away from humidity), honey has a shelf life of, well, forever. This is due to honey’s hygroscopy and low pH, two qualities that make it difficult for the sticky substance to spoil.

According to Amina Harris, executive director of the Honey and Pollination Center at the Robert Mondavi Institute at University of California, Davis: "Honey in its natural form is very low in moisture. Very few bacteria or microorganisms can survive in an environment like that, they just die. They're smothered by it, essentially.

What If My Honey Crystallizes?

Don’t worry if your honey starts looking cloudy. Crystallization is a natural process affected by temperature, the ratio of glucose and fructose, and pollen. Crystallized honey is still delicious and safe to eat, but if you’d rather go for the original, simply place the container in a bowl of warm water and stir.

Still Skeptical?

Ask the archeologists who sampled a bit of the honey they found in 3,000-year old Egyptian tombs–it wasn’t spoiled at all! Apparently the ancient Egyptians were big fans, using honey as a sweetener, preservative, and medicinal remedy. They were definitely onto something: honey is a true superfood.

Raw, unprocessed honey has tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But you aren't just limited to food just think hair removal, acne treatment, DIY Pepto-Bismol. Now, after considering all the things honey can do for you, support your local beekeepers to do your part in protecting the declining bee population. 

It looks like as long as the excessive amount of honey in my family's pantry stays sealed, we'll be enjoying it for years to come. I guess father really does know best.

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