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Former campaign worker for DA Gonzalez throws support to challenger Yalamanchili

Writer: Classic City NewsClassic City News

Cameron Jay Harrelson is one of the community’s more active civic volunteers and advocates for a variety of causes, and is widely known for his Classic City Crime podcast.

In 2020 he helped Deborah Gonzalez in her successful campaign to become district attorney for the Western Judicial Circuit (Athens-Clarke and Oconee counties).

But after witnessing four years of repeated prosecutorial missteps, staffing turmoil and other problems that have defined Gonzalez’s administration of the DA’s office, Harrelson is endorsing Kalki Yalamanchili, the independent candidate for district attorney.

The following is from Harrelson’s Facebook page:

As we all head to the polls in such a consequential election during such divisive times, I wanted to share something with you.

Lady Justice wears a blindfold. With that blindfold, she speaks to the importance of impartiality and neutrality. She reminds us that Justice is to be blind to external affairs or influences, so that all are viewed equally under the law. Lady Justice also carries with her a sword, a sword that reminds us of the deep responsibility and authority that comes with the application of the Law.

It is with a devout believe in "justice for all", a deep commitment to holding the most violent offenders accountable, supporting crime victims and their rights, believing that the accused deserve to have their constitutional rights protected too, and a strong belief in connecting those in need of treatment and community support to the resources they need instead of incarceration that I have decided to endorse and support Kalki Yalamanchili For District Attorney.

Four years ago, I supported and worked for District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez. She will always be, to me, my friend. I found her to be an effective legislator in the State House, and I still stand by the platform and campaign we ran four years ago- one that was predicated on surrounding herself with and staffing the office with experienced, capable prosecutors.

I have always said that I would do what I feel was right, even if it was not politically or personally expedient. This is why in good conscience I cannot support the District Attorney’s campaign for re-election. It was a tough decision. It has cost me friends. I have had my values questioned and have been sidelined by a party I’ve worked my entire adult life to support and uplift. And…I am okay with that. Because in this race, the only victims are the victims who have been denied justice and the accused whose rights have been violated time and time again.

We voted four years ago for reform and a pathway forward. What we have been given is a DA’s office that experiences constant turnover and a campaign that has chosen to blame everyone else but the leader of the office.

The reality is, friends, we do not have to choose. We can continue to move forward (never back!) & expand community outreach AND ALSO have an office that can effectively adjudicate cases. In fact, the core duties of the office demands it. The job of District Attorney is not to legislate. It is to seek Justice.

It is my hope that my friends in Athens-Clarke and Oconee Counties will join me in supporting Kalki's campaign to help bring the District Attorney's office back to a place where people are held accountable, where victims are supported and informed, and where every person can seek to lead a life that is better than that which they left behind.

I know Kalki. I consider both he and his wife, Caitlin, my friends. And, I know they are good-hearted folks who believe in the equitable application of the law. They are kind, compassionate, and I’m honored to be on this team. Kalki has earned support from people across political divides, not because he intends to carry out their vision…but because we- Democrats and Republicans- collectively believe in his vision.

Get out and vote. And remember, you can care about someone deeply while recognizing they are not the best person for a specific job. Two things can be true at once.

Lastly, I love you all. Even those who do not agree with me. It is my hope that regardless of the outcome, we can all come together on November 6 to celebrate the beauty of Democracy. May Democracy always prevail.

🩵 🇺🇸

Note: I posted this previously, but as we all head to the polls, I wanted to share again (with some additions).

3 comentarios

Well, he is being paid as Kalki’s campaign manager so this is irrelevant.

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Rabbi Noah Kitty
Rabbi Noah Kitty
17 oct 2024
Contestando a

Why would you put Kamala in your profile pic? You want people to know you make bad choices?

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