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Judge holds Athens prosecutors in contempt for not being prepared for court hearing

By Joe Johnson

A Superior Court judge this week ruled that prosecutors from the Western Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s office were in contempt of court for not being prepared for a hearing.

In making the ruling, Chief Judge Lisa Lott noted that she had only a day before admonished the DA’s office for not being prepared for an unrelated court proceeding.

The contempt ruling came Thursday, after Lott convened a hearing on a prosecution petition to revoke the probation of an offender who in 2021 had been convicted of aggravated assault in a family violence case.

The petition alleged 10 ways in which the defendant had violated his probation.

After witnesses for the prosecution testified about two of the allegations, the judge wanted to know how they planned to address the other eight allegations.

Western Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Lisa Lott

In her ruling, Lott described a prosecution team in disarray. She said that assistant district attorneys Elizabeth Sutton and Michael Ody were “unable to explain why they were not calling witnesses who were subpoenaed and who were in the hallway, why they seemed to be unaware of who those witnesses were, why they did not know whether witnesses had even been subpoenaed, why they seemed to be unaware of the other criminal allegations the State had made against Defendant, and significantly, why they were not prepared to address most of the petition, after being given notice to this hearing since June 2024.”

Lott noted that because of the prosecution’s petition, the defendant had been incarcerated since May 14.

The judge indicated that she gave prosecutors the opportunity to explain why they should not be held in contempt, at which time they apologized and “insisted they will try to learn how to properly fulfill their obligations.”

Lott then stated in her ruling: “Although this Court recognizes counsels’ apologies as being sincere, their responses do not repair this Court’s finding. In this professional moment, counsel for the State has disregarded their professional obligation to be properly prepared for the hearing…after having been reminded by this Court on several occasions, and as recently as yesterday, to ensure their compliance with this Court’s direction.”

In conclusion, Lott stated that she “therefore finds counsel for the State…to be in contempt of court for their failure to be properly prepared to address matters that they have petitioned, and specifically, to be properly prepared to address” their request to revoke probation.

The judge concluded by stating the attorneys could “purge their contempt” by jointly donating $150 to a charity of their choice within 10 days of her order.

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18 hours ago

What a pitiful bunch of failures the DA and her cohorts are.

Replying to

And here's the sad part, the progressive liberal balloon heads that vote in this county will probably vote for her again thinking she's doing a good job!!

What a pathetic testimony to the majority of voters that live here!


Aunty Lib.
19 hours ago

What is "restorative justice?"

What is the meaning of "restorative Justice"?

What exactly is being restored?

Replying to

To take the criminal (which restorative justice considers a victim of society) and NOT punish them or hold them accountable in anyway with any consequences for the crime, pain, trauma, and life destroying fear they thrust on their victims, but take them aside, gently pick them up, dust them off, say to them "Aw there there! It's not YOUR fault! You simply made a mistake by caving in somebody's head or raping somebody", hand them a warm glass of milk and a cookie, tell them they need to go to counseling, which they won't, and release them onto the street to rob, rape and kill again. The hope of restorative justice is that if the justice system is nice to…


I have said it countless times. Since our entertainment lawyer, Debra Gonzalez was somehow voted into office as district attorney, Clarke and Oconee Counties have become WIDE OPEN for ALL criminals.

"Water takes the path of least resistance"

And it's like a dinner bell that has been sounded in this district to invite all the criminal elements within at least 100 miles of our district to come here and set up shop because they know there are no consequences to the straightforward incompetence of our district attorney or, even if she does her job according to her manifesto, they know that her restorative justice will mean there being no consequences for their crimes. The criminal element has a free hand…


Aunty Lib.
21 hours ago

Left-wing paradise. As long as crime does not ascend the ivory tower of the left, no problems.


BS Detector
BS Detector
a day ago

Incompetence continues under DA Deborah Gonzales......

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