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Officers injured when rescuing children from apartment fire in Barrow County

Writer's picture: Classic City NewsClassic City News
284 Apperson Drive
284 Apperson Drive

An infant and two older children were rescued Tuesday from a fire at an apartment complex In Barrow County.

The young victims were taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation, as were a Winder police officer and Barrow County sheriff’s deputy.

Officers from the two law enforcement agencies responded to the fire at 284 Apperson Drive in Winder, where crews from the Fire Department were battling a fire. 

They had been informed while en route that an infant was trapped inside and could not be reached.

Upon arrival, the officers attempted to enter the burning building but were met with heavy smoke, limiting their ability to advance. 

Despite the conditions, a Barrow County Sheriff’s deputy and a Winder police officer managed to crawl toward the child's cries and pull the 2-year-old child infant to safety.

The officers, the infant and two older children were transported to the local hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation.

"We are incredibly grateful for the swift and coordinated actions of our local teams. Their quick response ensured the fire was contained to the room of origin and that lives were saved," Winder Fire Chief Matt Whiting said.

1 Comment

14 hours ago

I­'m­ m­a­k­i­n­g­ o­v­e­r­ $20k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ p­a­r­t­ t­i­m­e­. i­ k­e­p­t­ h­e­a­r­i­n­g­ o­t­h­e­r­ p­e­o­p­l­e­ t­e­l­l­ m­e­ h­o­w­ m­u­c­h­ m­o­n­e­y­ t­h­e­y­ c­a­n­ m­a­k­e­ o­n­l­i­n­e­ s­o­ i­ d­e­c­i­d­e­d­ t­o­ l­o­o­k­ i­n­t­o­ i­t­. w­e­l­l­, i­t­ w­a­s­ a­l­l­ t­r­u­e­ a­n­d­ h­a­s­ t­o­t­a­l­l­y­ c­h­a­n­g­e­d­ m­y­ l­i­f­e­.

t­h­i­s­ i­s­ w­h­a­t­ i­ d­o­.....

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