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Three CCSD schools on state's list for required additional support

The Georgia Department of Education has released the 2023-24 lists of schools identified for additional support from the state, along with the list of schools which made the improvements needed in one year to exit identified status.

Under the federal Every Student Succeeds states are required to identify schools in need of additional support. In Georgia, these designations are referred to as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted and Improvement. The lists identify schools that were among the lowest performing on the 2023 College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) and require support and monitoring from the state. Support includes Georgia School Assessment of Performance Standards, data analysis, frequent school visits by GaDOE personnel, and short-term action plans.

The Bettye H. Holston and Whit Davis elementary schools were included on the state’s list of CSI schools, which are identified as the lowest-performing Title I schools in the state using a staged approach based on the (CCRPI). The first stage of identification is the lowest 20% of schools in the state in Content Mastery. The second stage of identification is the lowest 25% of schools in Student Progress or the lowest 10% of schools in Closing Achievement Gaps. The third and final stage of identification is the lowest 5% of schools in Student Readiness. CSI schools are identified every three years.

Meanwhile, Classic City High School made the necessary improvements to exit CSI support. Schools may exit the CSI and ATSI schools lists by not meeting the entrance criteria and showing improvement in English language arts, math, or science achievement.

The only CCSD school included on the state’s ATSI list this year was Coile Middle for low performance by Students with Disabilities. All ATSI schools have one or more identified student groups whose component scores are among the lowest in the state, using the same approach as CSI schools. ATSI schools are also identified every three years.

CSI Schools that do not meet the exit criteria after three years will be automatically identified for Tier IV support from the state. Tier IV schools receive a program manager from the state who visits schools monthly and provides monthly professional learning for school and district leaders. ATSI schools that do not meet the exit criteria may be moved to the CSI schools list.

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